Monthly Archives: June 2023

  1. BYD is the most important car company in the world?

      The United States "Time Magazine" recently announced the third list of the world's 100 most influential companies in 2023, and selected "2023 TIME 100 Most Influential Companies", and BYD was successfully selected again. And it has been on the list for three consecutive years-at the same time,

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  2. Saudi Arabia signs $10 billion deal with China

      Recently, the China-Arab Cooperation Forum was held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The two sides signed a number of investment agreements with a total value of more than 10 billion yuan on the first day of the meeting. One of the most concerned projects is undoubtedly the cooperation

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  3. Can Mercedes-Benz drive itself?

      Mercedes-Benz's Level 3 automatic driving assistance technology on its S-Class and pure electric EQS, also known as the system branded as Drive Pilot, previously emphasized at the 2023 CES show that it has obtained the SAE certification from the state of Nevada in the United States. Will expand

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  4. Ukraine to start large-scale construction of electric vehicle charging stations

      Uzbekistan will start large-scale construction of electric vehicle charging stations from December 1, 2023.


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