Source: Global Times

  According to Thailand's "Bangkok Post" report on the 16th, Thai Prime Minister's Deputy Spokesperson Ratchada said on the same day that the Chinese electric vehicle industry has shown great interest in investing in Thailand, and the total investment is expected to exceed 1.44 billion. Dollar. This is one of the major achievements of the Thai government in attracting investment.

  According to reports, the Thai government previously launched a policy called "30/30", aiming to achieve the goal of electric vehicles accounting for 30% of the country's total car production by 2030. Ratchada said the presence of Chinese electric vehicle makers will increase the popularity of electric vehicles in Thailand. Thailand has the potential and ability to become an electric vehicle production center and investment center in Southeast Asia, so the government will continue to promote the development of various industries in the Eastern Economic Corridor, especially in the field of electric vehicles.

  According to statistics from the Ministry of Industry of Thailand, the number of electric vehicles registered in Thailand in the first half of 2023 exceeded 31,000, three times the total in 2022. Only about 1 percent of the nearly 850,000 new cars registered in Thailand last year were electric, Reuters quoted Thai government data as saying. But between January and April this year, that rose to more than 6 percent.

  According to Reuters, Thailand is the largest automobile producer and exporter in Southeast Asia and the second largest sales market after Indonesia. Japanese automakers once dominated here, but China overtook Japan last year to become Thailand's biggest foreign investor in the auto industry. According to Reuters analysis, this is because China's electric vehicle wave is reshaping Thailand's auto industry, while Japan has made slow progress in this regard.