Many plug-in hybrids on the market can use the engine to charge the battery. Does it mean that plug-in hybrids can be used as fuel vehicles without losing performance or experience at the functional level? If this is the case, what is the difference between the use of plug-in hybrid vehicles and unplugged strong hybrid vehicles? Is it just fuel consumption?

  First of all, a plug-in hybrid car can be used as a fuel car, but its performance and experience is compromised, and its economy is also compromised. This difference also covers the difference in the use of plug-in hybrids and full hybrids. But plug-in mixing and full-mixing is now more and more converging at the technical level, so their difference is more like a difference of degree rather than a difference in essence. Hybrid, whether it is plugged in or not, is a transitional form between internal combustion engine drive and electric motor drive. Full hybrid is on the side of the internal combustion engine, as an energy-saving auxiliary system for the main system of the internal combustion engine. It uses the power system to supplement the efficiency of the fuel system, and the idea is to save fuel.

  The plug-in hybrid car is to increase the battery size on this basis, so that the car has an additional source of driving energy. The fuel tank stores fuel, and the battery stores electricity—this refers to the electricity charged from the grid, rather than complete fuel conversion like a full hybrid, although it also has the same capability—so, plug-in cars are fundamentally based on this It was developed based on the concept. If it is only used as a full-hybrid vehicle, the efficiency will definitely be far lower than that of a full-hybrid vehicle. Only by charging in time and making full use of pure electric battery life can it play its role. 

  Because the volume, weight, and price of the plug-in hybrid battery brings a large proportion of the burden to the car, it is a huge waste to not use it. Therefore, as far as the full hybrid is concerned, the size of the battery has the concept of "optimum value", which is too much.