In the era of globalization, countries have complex technology and trade exchanges, so economic development is inseparable from international cooperation. According to CNMO's understanding, a German media recently published an article titled "Nothing without China", pointing out that for the German economy, China is one of the most important sources and suppliers of raw materials in the market.

  The article said that the German economic circles had previously discussed how to reduce dependence on China, but most entrepreneurs said that it is unrealistic to completely separate from China, especially in industries such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and chemicals and automobiles.

  The article also cited some examples of German companies' high dependence on the Chinese market. For example, BASF, China is its most important sales market in the world. As the world's largest chemical company, BASF is building a new production base in China costing tens of billions of euros. In addition, the German auto industry is also very dependent on the Chinese market. For example, 1/3 of the sales of Daimler and BMW come from this market, and the proportion of Volkswagen is even as high as 2/5.

  Some German automakers even announced that some electric vehicles will only be produced in China and exported from China to Europe. Daimler hopes to transfer the production of new Smart models to China and develop them together with partner Geely. BMW's MINI electric models will no longer be produced in the UK, but will be moved to China.

  Wansleben, Director-General of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), said: "Without China, there would be no world, and there would be no world in which we do not depend on China, but China also depends on us."