On January 5, the “Dare to Star” Yangwang brand and technology conference was held in Shenzhen, where the brand new high-end car brand Yangwang and its core technology “Easy Quartet” were officially released. The million-level new energy hardcore off-road U8 and the million-level pure electric performance supercar U9 were also unveiled simultaneously. In the future, the "Easy Quartet" technology will be equipped as standard on all models of the Yangwang brand.

   "Easy Quartet" technology is the first mass-produced four-motor drive technology in China. It is known as the "golden key" to provide users with extreme safety. It can precisely control the four-wheel dynamics of the vehicle with four-motor independent vector control technology, thereby Break the imagination space of traditional cars and create a new car safety technology system.

  Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD Co., Ltd., also said that in the future, Yangwang will take the lead in applying many top technologies of BYD Group. Based on extreme driving scenarios, it provides users with extreme safety, extreme performance, and extreme experience.

"Easy Quartet" technology: starting from safety, subverting traditional vehicle dynamics

  The birth of high-end automobile brands is often accompanied by the maturity of top-level core technologies, and the "Easy Square" technology is the origin of looking up to the brand.

  "Easy Quartet" is a set of power system with four independent motors as the core. It has been comprehensively reconstructed around the characteristics of new energy vehicles from the three dimensions of perception, decision-making and execution, completely subverting the previous power system capability system of fuel vehicles.

  The prototype of "Easy Quartet" technology appeared on the ET concept car released by BYD Group 20 years ago. It was inspired by the perfect control of the cheetah's attitude at high speed. Four motors independently drive the four wheels of the vehicle. In this way, it can have four independent and powerful legs like a cheetah, which has better safety and performance. This is also an innovative drive technology that finally ushers in mass production opportunities under the background of the core breakthroughs made in the three major technical fields of batteries, electric drive, and electric control after 20 years of continuous exploration.

  The most subversive value of "Easy Quartet" technology is to break through the constraints of the traditional automotive technology architecture and provide users with extremely safe cars with a new idea.

  The body stability control of traditional fuel vehicles is limited by its era and technological development. The perception speed and accuracy are far from the ultimate safety. There are problems such as slow response, low efficiency, low power, and low degree of four-wheel differentiation at the execution level. . Compared with the traditional fuel vehicle power system, the "Easy Quartet" technology can independently adjust the dynamics of the vehicle's four-wheel wheel ends at a millisecond speed through a more perceptive electric drive system, so as to better control the body posture.

  Thanks to the above-mentioned technical achievements, the "Easy Quartet" technology can provide users with greater safety redundancy. For example, after a single wheel of the vehicle is blown out, the torque of the remaining three wheels can be precisely adjusted at a frequency of 1,000 times per second, and the torque of the remaining three wheels can be adjusted through the driving wheel. Timely and powerful compensation intervention on the body attitude to help the driver stop the vehicle in a stable and controllable manner. This function will hopefully avoid the occurrence of secondary accidents to the greatest extent from the source of power.

  Models equipped with "Easy Quartet" technology, because the protection capability of the core system of the whole vehicle reaches IP68 level, and have good airtightness of the body and cockpit, it can even obtain emergency floating and escape capabilities by virtue of the four-wheel independent vector control function, showing far beyond the traditional There is room for imagination in the application of power technology for fuel vehicles.

  The powerful power brought by the self-developed highly integrated motor also supports the "Easy Quartet" technology on high-adhesion roads such as asphalt roads, and realizes the flexible in-situ U-turn function.

  Technology is valuable, but life is priceless. To provide users with extremely safe cars is the ultimate technological dream of looking up to the brand. The "Easy Quartet" technology is a super technology that has created a brand that looks up to. Its appearance has further enriched BYD Group's "four-in-one" safety system, and it will also give Yangwang the opportunity to hit the high-end market with its core technology advantages.

Million-level new energy high-end models: open the way to look up with hard-core off-road and electric supercars

  At the brand press conference, two mass-produced models U8 and U9 were simultaneously unveiled. Both models are equipped with the subversive "Easy Quartet" technology as standard, challenging extreme scenarios.

  Yang Wang U8 is the brand's first mass-produced model, positioned as a hard-core off-road with million-level new energy, and intends to use the ultimate four-motor technology to challenge the ultimate outdoor off-road scene. Its length exceeds 5 meters, and its width exceeds 2 meters. It adopts the family-style design "Gate of Time and Space" that looks up to the brand, and integrates the sense of future and technology into the design of the vehicle. It has a very luxurious shape and strong Full body, both avant-garde and tough.

  U9 positioning million-level pure electric performance supercar, the whole vehicle is equipped with "Easy Quartet" power system, and the acceleration from zero to 100 times can reach 2 seconds. The design also adopts the "Gate of Time and Space" design language. The appearance of the whole vehicle not only retains the design elements of classic supercars, but also adds the overall sense of future electric supercars. Focusing on the safety and comfort pain points of super sports cars, Yangwang R&D team to use innovative technology to create the U9's extremely safe body structure, challenge the most stringent safety standards.

Super technologies achieve high-end brands and reshape high-end brand values in the new energy era

  The brand's logo is comes from the word "electricity" in oracle bone inscriptions. Oracle is one of the oldest characters in the world and the only one that has been passed down to this day. The word "electricity" means new energy and also represents human civilization. Yangwang hopes to come from the past, absorb the inspiration and strength of Oracle, maintain curiosity and exploration of the unknown with a brave spirit, and continue to move forward to the peak of automotive technology.

  In the future, Yangwang will continue to lead BYD Group's technological innovation, take the lead in carrying many top-notch technologies, continuously expand the boundaries of new energy vehicle technology, and transform the exploration results into products to contribute to consumers, creating truly ultimate safety, ultimate performance, and The cross-age products with the ultimate experience have impacted the million-level high-end market that has been firmly occupied by traditional brands.