Chinese electric cars unveiled at the Paris Motor Show

  Recently, Chinese Electric Vehicles were unveiled at the Paris Motor Show, which has become a topic of public opinion in Europe and the world. Agence France-Presse, under the title "Chinese Automakers Show High-End and Ambitious at the Paris Auto Show", reported on the high-end electric vehicles exhibited by well-known Chinese automakers such as BYD, Dongfeng Celis, and Great Wall Motors at the Auto Show. "There are no low-cost cars, but mid-range and even high-end cars equipped with advanced technology, and Chinese automakers have made a strong debut at the Paris International Motor Show and are showing growing ambitions in the European market," the article said.

  Change is always unexpected. In 2010, China overtook Japan to become the world's second-largest economy, and in 2009, China overtook the United States to become the world's largest auto producer. Entering the 2020s, the explosive development of new energy vehicles and the blossoming of new energy brands have become a new bright spot in China's auto industry.

  Compared with the old European car counterparts, China's new energy vehicles have strong competitiveness in terms of supply chain, technology, economy and models. This is an opportunity for China's auto industry to overtake on a curve. In the past 10 years, the Chinese government has continuously increased its support policies for the new energy vehicle industry. Chinese car companies are actively transforming, and the overall strength of the new energy vehicle industry has been continuously improved. Whether it is product appearance, quality, R&D, and production capacity, it can meet the needs of the global diversified market.

  From January to September this year, Chinese auto companies exported 2.117 million vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 55.5%, of which 389,000 new energy vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of more than double. China overtook Germany to become the world's second-largest auto exporter.

  International public opinion and industry insiders exclaimed this profound change, and many international well-known media have reported it recently.

  "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" reported that China's new energy vehicles represented by BYD entered the "hometown of automobiles in Europe", while Japanese electric vehicles "have a very low sense of presence" in Europe.

  Bloomberg News reports, “With a 10 percent electric vehicle penetration rate, China leads almost every other country in this segment.”

  The American "Wall Street Journal" reported that China's new energy vehicles are growing rapidly and are confidently competing in the global market.